Monday, September 3, 2012

Certainly, it's Sugi

Ask my childhood self what my favorite Japanese restaurant is and I would reply, "Sugi!" Prices weren't that high then but everything, I loved. It was there where I got introduced to Sashimi, Gindara, and Unagi, where I developed my preference for Shime Saba, and where I looked at my first moving Okonomiyaki.

The menu stayed the same, and most of our orders also. Bing, our favorite waitress, is now the head of the staff. And this time, since there was something to celebrate, it was my turn to get the bill.

Sugi will always be that special restaurant where every bite can be expected as perfect, as I have remembered it as a kid. As its name means, it is like that kind of Evergreen, always reliable. If I bring you here, it's because I love you and at that time, I have a lot of extra cash

So, if you're going to ask me now what the best Japanese restaurant know the answer.

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